Well I had possibly the worst spot in the world ever this week. So to cheer myself up I got a couple of face masks.
Montagane Jeunesse "Fudge Sauna"
I love these sachets, they are so distinctive. I chose this variety because it stated it was suitable for -amongst other types- 'Greasy' skin... maybe a slight mis-translation there ? Everyone knows that "a ladies" skin is oily, not Greasy.
You wet your face with warm water, and while still wet apply the face mask. One thing I like about the packaging it that it's possible to tear it open when your hands are wet! I hate those sachets of conditioners you get in packs of hair dye that are impossible to tear open while your hands and everything else is wet after rinsing dye out of your hair.
The pack contains 15g of product, which when squeezed out doesn't seem like a lot, but it is very thick, and well, Fudgy! It's light in colour, and has a glossy texture like melted white chocolate. When applied to the skin it has such a weird heating feeling! This is to "open and deeply clean pores". After 10-15 mins you can rinse off - DO NOT EAT!
I enjoyed the mask, it does exactly what it says on the tin. Unlike most other face masks I have used, it does not seem to dry at all which I do enjoy about clay-based masks. The heating effect soon wears off, but my skin felt nice and soft afterwards.
Best of all these were half-price in Boots- a grand total of 0.49 pence!
Update- the Boots Skin Clear blotting sheets were also on offer- two packs for £4.00. As e.l.f were out of stock on their blotting sheets on my payday this month I snapped the Boots ones up!