Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Tuesday review - A&A handbag

Here I am, back when I was on holiday in Paris in July.

As you can see I am proudly modelling my Paris souvenier handbag from Antoni & Alison

it was bought from here

a store we used to walk past everyday on our way to the shops. Initially they had Doc Marten boots as the window display, but one day this changed to gorgeous Antoni & Alison handbags. The clincher was that on the reverse this bag says "I like Paris"-- I mean not "I LOVE Paris", but only 'like' ? LOL
I have received several comments on the bag- including
"I really like it- it looks like you've coloured it yourself"(!!), and "but with your 'Artistic Talents' I'd have thought you'd have done much better than that"(yawn)

If anyone is struggling for ideas for Xmas presents for me(!), they also do cute extra-small purses w/ the same design, and also a twist on the traditional souvenir scene silk scarf :>

Monday, November 23, 2009

Monday miracle

... I finally listed my first item!

Vintage Round Brown Crochet Handbag

in other news, at the weekend I think I lost my
hat from Superjennylove :<